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Claire’s Story – The Path to her Superpowers

Claire’s story is the heart behind E3 Academy’s mission and the reason we are passionate about empowering children to achieve their full potential.

As a child, Claire struggled in school. She was bullied because she was different, and she was nearly failing all of her classes. Even though she was trying very hard, she was consistently frustrated, and nothing the teachers did seemed to help. She contemplated taking her own life, and she felt depressed and defeated.

Then, two things happened that transformed Claire’s life: she discovered the sport of jiu-jitsu and developed a new-found self-confidence, and she took the Kolbe Student Aptitude Assessment and realized that her education wasn’t working for her unique problem-solving skills. From there, Claire’s life did a 180–she went from nearly failing to getting As and Bs. She took control of her life and became a suicide survivor and anti-bullying advocate.

Claire and her father wanted to help other children and teens who struggle, and this was the beginning of E3 Academy and the E3 Scholarship Fund. They realized that if knowing her Kolbe MO had empowered Claire during a difficult time, it could do the same for others.

When Claire learned her own instinctive strengths, she was able to take charge of her education and advocate for herself with her teachers.